Sunday, November 25, 2007

#17 Library 2.0

What is Library 2.0 you ask? I find myself asking the same question in many different circumstances: While I've been doing these 'Things', when I'm asked what I think about Library 2.0, and when I see it in an article. And yet I don't think I have come up with an answer that satisfies me.

Off the top of my head I would say that, Library 2.0 is an idea in which libraries need in order to advance into the next stage of offering the public the best resources and services possible. It is an idea of connecting library staff with one another, with the public, and this by a knowledge of the wider technological tools. Of using that which we have at our fingertips in order to go beyond the wider expectations that libraries are known for there books and access to computers.

And yet can we get too caught up in the programs and tools out there that we miss learning more about our customers, and turn into people who are used because we know more, or should I say, are expected to know more. I think that it is enough that we know that certain tools are there. Some of my best experiences in dealing with the public is when I am learning right alongside them, and that by bouncing ideas of each other we can then create some kind of bond, instead of giving them the answer or showing them the answer.

We continue to learn, but we must learn in a way where it is benifical to all.

1 comment:

The Learning 2.0 Program said...

Great comments. I find it not so much about what technology we use, but more about how we use technology to best reach our community.
